The Value of Printed Portraits

Feb 23, 2023 | Fine Art


Can you imagine coming downstairs every morning and passing this gorgeous portrait? Remembering the first precious moments of your big littles with your littlest babe, feeling all the the love, and starting your day with joy in your heart. This will forever be one of my favorite client portraits.


Why print portraits?


Why do I print portraits? As a mama to 3 boys, it’s loud and boisterous in this household. Footballs are flying past my head, snuggles are constant, toys are everywhere, and I wouldn’t ever describe our house as quiet. It’s my favorite. As time moves forward, the noises change, the people change, beloved toys become obsolete – it’s bittersweet.   Portraits give me a tether to moments passed in the most beautiful way. I can sip my morning coffee (that actually stays hot these days) and get pulled into our portraits and the life we had a few years ago.


They’ll always keep growing, and so will our stories.
















They open a portal to stories from just yesterday (at least that’s how it feels) for my littles and the people that enter our home. The conversations always start with – how old was I in that picture? Where were we? How come I’m not in that one? And slowly all the chapters of their lives come dancing out like a beautifully choreographed ensemble. I see portraits of Marty and I and am immediately transported to when we first met, conversations we had, my love for him and the life we’ve created.



I grew up seeing black and white portraits of my grandparents and great-grandparents in our home and in albums. Those 4×4 and 5×7 framed images gave me a tiny glimpse into a moment in their lives and an opportunity to learn more about my heritage, especially because neither of my grandpas lived long after I was born.



Portraits take everyday, ordinary moments and elevate them to ART. It’s home decor that meaningful and personal! Why spend money on generic art from Target or Ikea that simply fills a space, versus investing in fine art of yourself or your own family?

To be clear, printing portraits isn’t just for family portraits – print fine art of yourself. You’re only the person you are today once and here’s your PSA for the day – it is NOT vain to print portraits of yourself. It’s a physical imprint of you on this earth that will be enjoyed by both those you love and you! The confidence that comes from seeing yourself as art is the most beautiful feeling.



I adore the effect portraits can have on children, as well. Therapists often recommend putting a family portrait in a child’s room to help them feel safe and loved while sleeping – can you imagine the effect of putting portraits of your child/children all around your home? It helps them understand where they fit in a family, who they are, that they’re important and valued. Not only that they are important, but that those individuals are important to each other.



If you’re looking for a full-service portrait artist that will print, deliver, and install your portraits – I’m your girl. It fills my heart with joy to create fine art for you♥️. Fill out the Contact form below and I can’t wait to make your portrait dreams a reality.

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